Looking for a job as GENERAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE in MOFFETT FIELD? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much GENERAL PHYSICAL SCIENCE actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, General physical science in the year 2024 earns per year from 51 425 USD to 191 900 USD
A person working as General physical science typically earns around 191 900 USD in MOFFETT FIELD in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 254% higher than the average salary in the United States
What General Information Do I Need To Know About This Position? This is a term appointment not to exceed 13 months with possible extensions up to a total of 4 years without further competition. Appoi...
What General Information Do I Need To Know About This Position? The government-wide STEM direct hire authority for Physical Scientist 1301 is being used to fill this position. SALARY INFORMATION Mof...
The Atmospheric Science Branch in the Earth Science Division is seeking a physical scientist to lead the application of quantum sensing technologies in Earth Observation. Quantum technologies are pois...
Serves as the Physical Science Technical Management lead providing recognized expertise in the overall management and direction of program office funded projects assigned to Ames Research Center. Resp...
Serves as the Physical Science Technical Management Lead providing recognized expertise in the overall management and direction of program office funded projects assigned to Ames Research Center. Resp...
As the Associate Chief Scientist in the NASA Ames Research Center Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) you will be working directly with the Chief Scientist to provide advice and oversight for research...
You will lead a research team investigating aerosols, clouds and energy budget using aircraft, ground-based, and space-borne remote sensing observations. The team develops and deploys scientific instr...
As a Research AST, Earth Sciences Remote Sensing with the Biospheric Science Branch in the Earth Science Division, you will be responsible for developing and leading projects. You will be part of a t...
As an Research AST, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Physical Scientist (Research and Modeling Lead) with the Ames Earth Science Division, you will lead a team supporting an increasing number of hig...
NASA is seeking a physical scientist to advance understanding of atmospheric composition and processes including the atmospheric part of biogeochemical cycles. On this team, you will develop and deplo...
As a Research AST, Earth Sciences Remote Sensing with the Biospheric Science Branch in the Earth Science Division, you will be responsible for developing and leading projects. You will be part of a t...